
Overcoming Family Challenges (Part 2) By Pastor Faith Oyedepo

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Overcoming Family Challenges (Part 2) By Pastor Faith Oyedepo

Topic: Overcoming Family Challenges (Part 2)

Dear Reader,

I invite you indeed to this informative educating on Family Life. I realize that you are as of now effectively defeating the difficulties in your family by putting the cures learnt in the last versions to legitimate use. Notwithstanding, this week, I will educate on another test and its cure.

The Bible says, And the LORD God planted a GARDEN toward the east in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had framed (Genesis 2:8). A nursery represents delight, wealth and satisfaction. Marriage and family is a sort of nursery, planted by God Himself for your pleasure, wealth and satisfaction. This nursery, in any case, isn’t customary; the Word of God causes us to comprehend that it is loaded with treasures which are esteemed articles. These esteemed items have without a doubt been lost to ill-advised treatment of difficulties in the family. However, these fortunes of harmony, happiness, satisfaction and fulfillment can be reestablished back to your family if no one but you can accept the accountability of finding and dealing with the underlying driver of what annihilated it.

Regardless of how long you have been hitched and how harsh the excursion has been, you can in any case lay hang on God’s fortune in your family and allow God to utilize it to show forward His brilliance this end-time. Thus will it be in Jesus’ Name! The Bible says, He that walketh with shrewd men will be savvy: however a buddy of dolts will be obliterated (Proverbs 13:20). A man doesn’t need to be absurd in himself to be obliterated. He should simply stroll with the absurd and soon, the imprudence of his companion comes off on him and he is annihilated a similar way a silly man would. Strolling with an absurd man is pretty much as terrible as being silly. It is obvious from the above Scripture that the organization a man keeps can either make or obliterate him. The organization you keep either makes or defaces you, it doesn’t leave you the equivalent. An insightful man once said, ‘You will remain what you are today in five years’ time, with the exception of the books you read and the organization you keep’.

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Another significant reason for issues in certain families today is:

Wrong Association

Relatives stay with some unacceptable, accepting insight from individuals that create mischief unendingly in their homes. I accept firmly in a maxim that says, Show me your companion, and I will disclose to you what your identity is. It has a scriptural predecessor. Amos 3:3 says, Can two walk together, aside from they be concurred? Your companion is an impression of you. An off-base affiliation will influence you adversely. It will cause you to do things that you may commonly never do all alone. You should disengage yourself from any offspring of Belial. Anybody that continually incites your soul and gives you wrong insight against your companion or family’s prosperity will obliterate your family. The Bible in 1 Corinthians 15:33 says, Be not beguiled: underhanded interchanges degenerate great habits. Underhanded affiliation taints great habits.

The narrative of Amnon and his inconspicuous companion Jonadab is a genuine model (2 Samuel 13:1-34). My better half accepts that each off-base companion you keep is your adversary. Amnon paid for it with his life. After his passing, Jonadab, the equivalent ‘companion’ who gave him wrong guidance was the person who reported his demise.


The Bible says, Can two walk together, aside from they be concurred? (Amos 3:3) Agreement ought to be the reason for any affiliation. Just pleasant individuals can relate beneficially with each other. Additionally, separate yourself from wrong companions. Who is your significant other’s companion? Who is your significant other’s companion? Who are your kids’ companions? You should not be partner with anybody that carries pressure to your family. Stop that relationship before it stops you! Get elegance to separate yourself from abhorrent organization, in Jesus’ name.

Keep in mind, Abraham needed to isolate from Lot before he could go into the incredible things God had arranged for him. The Word of God says, Is not the entire land before you? separate thyself, I implore you, from me: on the off chance that thou shrink take the left hand, I will go to one side; or assuming thou withdraw to the correct hand, I will go to one side (Genesis 13:9).

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There is a should be particular in your affiliation. Select your companions in insight, as fellowship isn’t forcibly yet by decision. Indeed, even Jesus cautions us to be careful with men (Matthew 10:17).

You need the effortlessness to have the option to cut off from each relationship representing a test to your family. This effortlessness is simply accessible to you in the event that you embrace God by tolerating Jesus as your Lord and Savior. On the off chance that you need to be brought back to life, kindly implore this supplication with confidence in your heart: Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You today. I’m a miscreant. Excuse me my wrongdoings and scrub me with Your Blood. I acknowledge You as my Lord and individual Savior. Make me an offspring of God today. Much obliged to You for conveying me from wrongdoing and satan to serve the living God and thank You for tolerating me into Your Kingdom.

Congratulations! If you implored this basic supplication of confidence with me, you are presently brought back to life and an offspring of God. He cherishes you and won’t ever leave you. Peruse your Bible every day, comply with God’s Word and look for Christian association (John 14:21).

With this, you are ensured all-round rest and harmony in Jesus’ Name! Call or write to impart your declarations to me through [email protected], 07026385437 OR 08141320204.

For more understanding, these books created by me are accessible at the Dominion Bookstores altogether Living Faith Churches and other driving Christian book shops: Marriage Covenant, Making Marriage Work, Building a Successful Home and Success in Marriage (Co-Authored).

Pastor Faith Oyedepo is the spouse of Bishop David Oyedepo, the author of the Living Faith Church Worldwide a.k.a. Champs’ Chapel, and Senior Pastor of Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland, Ota, Nigeria.


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