
Open Heaven 23 March 2021 By Pastor E. A. Adeboye TOPIC: Signs Of Backsliding II

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Open Heaven 23 March 2021 By Pastor E. A. Adeboye TOPIC: Signs Of Backsliding II

Open Heaven 23 March 2021 By Pastor E. A. Adeboye TOPIC: Signs Of Backsliding II

MEMORISE: Blessed are the unadulterated in heart: for they will see God. – Matthew 5:8

Peruse: Matthew 7:17-18 (KJV)

17 Even so every great tree bringeth forward great natural product; yet a bad tree bringeth forward abhorrent organic product.

18 A decent tree can’t deliver detestable organic product, neither can a bad tree deliver great organic product.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Romans 11-13

Open Heaven 23 March 2021 MESSAGE:

A significant indication of breaking faith is the point at which you find that your psyche is continually loaded up with unethical contemplations. A losing the faith devotee would have all way of wicked contemplations move through their psyche. At the point when David break faith, he cried to God for reclamation, saying:

“Make in me a perfect heart, O God; and reestablish a correct soul inside me.” – Psalm 51:10

His heart had gotten grimy. He found that corrupt contemplations presently made him inexpressibly pleased. At the point when you start to hold indecent musings or out of nowhere become agreeable in uncovering garments, it is an indication that your heart is a long way from God. Previously, no one would have to bring up a prostitute or a hooligan, they would be effortlessly recognized from their dressing. Nowadays, we have proclaiming Christians who dress like whores and hooligans.

At the point when an individual descends into sin, out of nowhere, God is by all accounts a long way from the individual. Try not to fault Him; His assertion says:

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“Attract near to God, and he will attract near to you. Purge your hands, ye delinquents; and cleanse your hearts, Ye twofold leaning.” – James 4:8

When you are not, at this point personal with God, what do you anticipate that He should do? David cried in Psalm 51:11:

“Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy Essence of God from me.”

At the point when Jesus bore the wrongdoings of the world on the cross, He needed to shout out: “… My God, my God, why hast thou neglected me?” – Mark 15:34

God moved away on the grounds that He can’t see sin (Habakkuk 1:13) and He would likewise leave from any adherent who harbors evildoing.

The Holy Spirit can’t remain with somebody who is skipping with wrongdoing; He is the Holy Spirit, not an unholy soul. At the point when you quit perusing your Bible every day, you quit imploring, you quit seeing, you diminish your participation of cooperations, you are drawing a long way from God. This is the start of losing the faith and soon sin sneaks in.

Are any of these indications of descending into sin obvious in your life? Address them today.

Open Heaven 23 March 2021 PRAYER POINT:

Father, whatever is drawing me a long way from You, kindly eliminate it from my life today. On the off chance that I am clutching it to an extreme, eliminate it forcibly, in the Mighty name of Jesus.

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Open Heaven 23 March 2021 HYMN 4: Conquerors And Overcomers Now Are We

1 Conquerors and overcomers presently are we,

Thro’ the valuable blood of Christ we’ve triumph,

On the off chance that the Lord be for us, we can never come up short;

Nothing ‘gainst his strong pow’r can e’er win.


Champions are we, thro’ the blood, thro’ the blood;

God will give us triumph, thro’ the blood, thro’ the blood,

Thro’ the Lamb for heathens killed,

However who lives and rules once more,

More than vanquishers are we,

More than winners are we.

2 for the sake of Israel’s God we’ll ahead press,

Defeating sin and all indecency;

Not to us, but rather unto him the acclaim will be,

For salvation and for blood-purchased triumph.

3 Unto him that overcometh will be giv’n

Here to eat of covered up sustenance sent from heav’n;

Over there he the victor’s palm will bear,

Also, a robe of white, and brilliant crown will wear.

Open Heavens 2021 Daily Devotional guide was composed by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the biggest zealous church on the planet and furthermore the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens reverential application is accessible across all portable stages and working frameworks: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.


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