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Erica Campbell – Trust And Obey

Trust And Obey by Erica Campbell

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Erica Campbell – Trust And Obey
Erica Campbell – Trust And Obey

Erica Campbell Trust And Obey Download Mp3 & Lyrics

American sensational gospel artist Erica Campbell unlocks a captivating new Christian music dubbed Trust And Obey.

This song was released in 2023 for her album I Love You and it’s available here at GospelHome alongside it’s lyrics.

Erica Campbell Trust And Obey Lyrics

What’s this I hear
I can hear it so clear
Speaking right into my soul
Telling me things
I should already know
But my ways are too hard to let go

Trust and obey
Trust and obey
Lord I hear, hear what you say
I must do it your way
I’ll trust and obey
I should trust and obey
Lord it’s hard but I still say
I must do it your way

But I don’t want to live
Like some hypocrite
I’d like to do right though I’m wrong
What’s that you say
Talk to me, it’s okay
And all of your sins will be gone

If you just trust and obey
Oh trust and obey
Try to hear, hear what I say
And do it my way
Trust and obey
Oh would you trust and obey
Blood was shed on Calvary
Know that I set you free

Have your way Lord
Tried on my own
Can’t do this alone
Your son died for
The sins of a man
Now I understand

It’s not my own life
I was bought with a price
It’s something that money can’t buy
But the least I can do
Is show my gratitude
And make this one small sacrifice

Ooh trust and obey
Please trust and obey
Yes it’s hard but I still say
I will do it your way
Trust and obey
Please trust and obey
Please forgive my selfish ways
This in your name I pray



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audio Title: Trust And ObeyArtist: Erica Campbell


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